domingo, 27 de agosto de 2006

obrigada, renata

Tell me what happened with us
Everything was so fantastic
I remember when you said that you loved me
I remember that smile on my face
I remember my nights and my dreams
How can this finish so fast?
Please, baby come back to my arms
Tell me that things again looking into my eyes
I need to hear that you still loving me
I need your kisses, your caress, the way you talk and walk.
I need you near me forever.
I don't believe that you haven't feelings for me anymore. I can't believe. Our love was like eternity
Remember when you said this?
Our love will be forever...
Show me that it was true, show me, please show me.

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Detalhe SUPER importante sobre este blog:

O que está em roxo fui eu quem escreveu. O que está em vermelho, é de alguém, que eu li, curti e pensei "Caramba, que bacana! Eu queria ter escrito isso!".

* Preservo assim os direitos autorais alheios, posto que gostaria de que preservassem os meus.